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At the end of the 2000s, when instant messaging began to take root in our daily lives, many “experts” predicted the imminent disappearance of email, a communication channel considered too formal, too rigid.

Today, email is not only resisting. It has become an INCONTROLLED channel for prospecting, lead nurturing, sharing content, networking and, ultimately, doing business.

By the end of 2023, the number of business emails exchanged each day is expected to exceed 347 billion. In short, your B2B prospecting emails had better stand out from the competition if you want to “surf” in this magma, especially if you are targeting accounts with high strategic potential with very solicited contacts.

So yes, cold emails don’t necessarily shine with a high open and/or response rate(s). On the other hand, they require less time and effort than phone calls and inbound marketing, especially if you automate the process with LeadIn, the first 100% unlimited, cloud-based, intelligent LinkedIn and email automation software.

To help you find inspiration, the editorial team has compiled 13 B2B prospecting email templates for 13 different scenarios. The goal: to take your prospecting efforts to the next level and convert like crazy!

A quick note before we go through our B2B prospecting email examples. This top 13 follows up on our article last week on our 7 ULTIMATE tips for writing the perfect B2B prospecting email. We recommend that you read this guide thoroughly, if only to master the art of email subject lines. Let’s go !

This is an unstoppable technique that can do wonders for your sales performance, including in an automated prospecting campaign. The idea is to compliment your interlocutor, for example on the performance of his startup, and then to follow up with a very direct speech so as not to waste his time. Here’s an example from our article on the 7 ULTIMATE tips for writing the perfect B2B prospecting email.

One of your prospects has just liked, commented on or relayed one of your posts on Linkedin? This might be the time to send them a prospecting email. Here is an example.

The case study, or Business Case, is a powerful format that confronts the product promise with the reality of the field. Rather than offering a document as an attachment, we’re going to “force” the case study into the prospecting email and take advantage of it to do some storytelling.

The idea here is to draw on your experience with your customers who are in the same industry as the prospect. What are the common issues for this type of business? What solutions have failed to address these issues? How have these issues impacted their business? Here is an example.

This type of B2B prospecting email will be very useful if you are targeting a large company with a complex organization chart, or simply if you are unable to identify the right person to make purchasing decisions. Generally, the recipient will not want to risk withholding information. Here is an example.

“AIDA is an acronym that stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. It’s a framework that is particularly popular with copywriters who have to write landing page texts, marketing content, prospecting emails, SMS, etc. Here is a simple email that takes this approach. Do not hesitate to personalize it according to the target and the positioning of your company.

Chances are, your target audience has a blog that they regularly update with content relevant to their industry. This is an interesting input for your prospecting email. It can indeed give you a valid reason to introduce your message and make the link with your offer.

Let’s take the following example: you market a solution for managing the skills of industrial operators, and you are targeting a manufacturer of storage equipment and furniture for manufacturers. The blog features an article on an innovative product or technology.

The idea here is to provide concrete and immediate value to your prospect, free of charge, to prove yourself and demonstrate your expertise from the first email.

In B2B, buyers and purchase decision influencers are not easily impressed, and for good reason: they receive dozens, if not hundreds, of prospecting emails per week. By approaching them with a diagnosis and a piece of the solution, you show them that the email is personalized, that you know what you’re talking about and that you actually have something to offer them.

Let’s take the following example: you are a web agency specialized in SEO. You have identified an interesting prospect whose website is poorly positioned on Google despite having low competition keywords. You can send him the following B2B prospecting email.

The “BAB” formula, for Before, After, Bridge, is a shorter and more direct alternative to the “AIDA” approach presented in example #6 :

  • Before: Describe the challenge your prospect is facing. List the problems and consequences of this challenge on the overall performance of the target;
  • After: give the prospect a glimpse of their daily life after adopting your solution. Support with numbers or concrete use cases;
  • Bridge: build the logical link between the Before and After, explaining how your product can help the prospect move from Before to After.

Here is an example to adapt to your activity.

The aim here is to get straight to the point by canvassing a competitor’s customer, especially in niche sectors where the pool of potential customers is small. Of course, this B2B prospecting email only works if you have the information that your contact already works with a competitor. Here is an example.

You have talked with a prospect at a seminar, conference or trade show and you have detected a need and/or a purchase intention. You can adjust the following example according to the circumstances of this first exchange.

A prospect has reached the end of his free trial? Take the lead and assess his or her level of satisfaction. This will be an opportunity to convert them, but also to collect useful feedback to improve your offer. Example.

You can start your B2B prospecting email with a reference to the (positive) reviews your prospect receives on a platform (Google My Business, Trust Pilot, G2, etc.), before moving on to your value proposition.

To conclude on the B2B prospecting email

As you can see, cold emailing requires investigative work to “warm up” the approach and give your contact reasons to trust you or, at least, not to be more suspicious than necessary.

The era of generic emails is over. You are expected to make an effort to personalize the form and content. B2B buyers are becoming less and less impressed, which is why you’re going to have to offer them value from your first email, as we saw in prospecting email examples #4 and #8.

By coupling B2B cold emailing with LinkedIn prospecting, you multiply the number of personalized touch points with your prospects and take a giant step toward sales excellence. But there’s one secret ingredient that changes everything: intelligent automation. To help you avoid the accumulation of granular tools and preserve the ROI of your sales function, we developed LeadIn, the first 100% unlimited, cloud-based LinkedIn and email automation software. Book your demo now!