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BtoB sales prospecting

Our agency generates qualified BtoB leads & appointments, so you can concentrate on selling.

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B2B prospecting, a crucial component of the sales cycle, is at the heart of a successful sales strategy. It involves identifying and soliciting new prospects, often using direct methods such as Cold Calling or Cold Emailing. This proactive approach, unlike inbound marketing which attracts customers, requires direct interaction with contacts who are not yet connected with the company.

In this article, we’ll unveil the many benefits of outsourcing B2B prospecting for a variety of entities, and take a closer look at how outsourcing can strengthen and boost your sales strategy.

1. Access to the expertise of a B2B prospecting agency:

  1. Access to the expertise of a specialized agency:
  • B2B prospecting agencies have developed proven processes and techniques to maximize success rates.
  • They have the latest tools and technologies for effective prospecting.
  • You benefit from the experience and know-how of a dedicated prospecting team.

2. Reduce the costs of sales prospecting:


The process of recruiting a good business developer is a time-consuming one, generally requiring between 1 and 3 months, with costs estimated at around 15% of the position’s annual salary. Convincing candidates to join the team, and ensuring their motivation on a daily basis, also represents a significant investment in terms of human resources. However, by opting to work with a prospecting agency, you can make substantial savings, reducing the indirect costs of recruiting and training a salesperson by up to 50%.

For example, the initial training of a salesperson can cost between 2,000 and 5,000 euros, with no immediate guarantee of results. By outsourcing prospecting, you also eliminate the expense associated with acquiring specialized tools, which can account for up to 30% of the sales budget. This includes CRMs, with average monthly costs of around 50 euros per user, and LinkedIn licenses, valued at around 60 euros per user per month.

What’s more, outsourcing B2B prospecting offers a significant reduction in personnel-related costs, such as benefits and payroll charges, which often represent between 20% and 40% of gross salary. Companies choosing to outsource their sales department can thus focus their in-house resources on higher value-added tasks, benefiting from advanced prospecting expertise and technologies, without the costs associated with developing them in-house. In short, this approach optimizes costs while guaranteeing enhanced performance in sales prospecting.

3. Save time with a prospecting agency:


Multi-channel prospecting, particularly telephone prospecting, is a time-intensive activity.

  • Free up your sales team to concentrate on higher value-added tasks, such as sales and customer care.
  • Accelerate lead generation and qualified appointments.
  • Optimize your time and resources for greater sales efficiency.

4. Reducing Employer Risk:


Effective management of sales teams is a major challenge for many companies. Ambitious targets, fluctuating motivation and variable pay systems, often linked to performance, can become sources of stress for employers and employees alike. Combined with the constant pressure to meet sales quotas, these elements can create a tense working environment. Statistically, the commercial sector is one of the most prone to industrial tribunal disputes, accounting for around 20% of cases, often linked to disagreements over working conditions or pay.

This high percentage is mainly due to frequent disagreements over working conditions and remuneration structures. Sales professionals, whose income largely depends on their performance, can feel cheated if targets seem unachievable or commission calculations lack transparency. In addition, working conditions such as long hours, constant pressure to meet sales quotas and sometimes a lack of support or recognition can lead to conflict.

Outsourcing sales prospecting to a specialized agency allows companies to considerably reduce these risks. The agency manages sales teams, from recruitment and training to performance monitoring and compensation. This outsourcing frees companies from the day-to-day challenges of managing sales teams.

  • No risk associated with recruiting, training and motivating an in-house team.
  • Reduce industrial tribunal disputes over working conditions and pay.
  • Outsource the HR and legal aspects of prospecting.

5. Flexibility to adapt to demand and economic conditions:


Outsourced B2B prospecting stands out for its remarkable ability to adjust to changing business needs, in line with economic and seasonal fluctuations. This adaptability manifests itself on several levels within our department.

At the heart of our B2B Lead Generation Agency offer, time adaptability is an essential element, offering companies the possibility of choosing between 1 and 5 days of service per week. This flexibility allows companies to tailor their prospecting efforts to their business objectives and current needs. In periods of intense activity, they can intensify their efforts, while in quieter periods they can reduce them, ensuring optimal use of their resources and strategic alignment with their business objectives.

Ready to exploit the full potential of outsourced prospecting? Our team takes care of everything for you

Our contractual approach also underlines this flexibility. By offering long-term, no-commitment services, we give companies the freedom to take advantage of our prospecting services while having the ability to modify or terminate the partnership according to their needs. This adaptability is crucial in a dynamic business environment, enabling us to respond quickly and effectively to changes in internal strategies.

By adjusting to economic cycles and variations in demand, we help companies remain competitive and responsive. Whether by anticipating periods of high activity or adjusting efforts during quieter periods, our strategy aims to maximize opportunities while minimizing the risks associated with market variations.

6. Immediate results:


Outsourcing B2B prospecting with LeadIn, a benchmark in sales outsourcing, translates into fast, efficient results, an indispensable quality in the business world where every moment counts. Our commitment to launching your prospecting campaign in just 15 days, at a competitive sales outsourcing rate, attests to our efficiency and ability to provide high-performance sales force outsourcing.

This fast start-up is crucial if you are to rapidly capitalize on your investment, an advantage that is often difficult to achieve with in-house implementation. The strength of our agency, also rooted in the composition of our team, combines the expertise of a growth hacker to generate a targeted database, a copywriter specialized in communicating with prospects, and a business developer entirely dedicated to optimizing your agenda.

This synergy of expertise guarantees a comprehensive and effective approach, maximizing the campaign’s chances of success. On the other hand, building such a diverse and skilled team in-house could take several months, with less predictable results and more complex resource management.

7. Teleworking and Business Development: a challenge:

  • Outsourced prospecting teams are used to telecommuting and remote collaboration.
  • Benefit from a synergy of expertise for effective and efficient prospecting.
  • Maintain high motivation and performance in a teleworking environment.

A growing number of companies are adopting the 100% teleworking model. While this has many advantages, there is one major drawback for sales teams: the disappearance of collective emulation, a crucial element in keeping sales developers motivated.

Is it really possible to spend all day prospecting for potential customers while alone at home?

At LeadIn, we think the answer is a resounding no.

Business development is an adventure that thrives on collaboration!

How to choose an outsourced prospecting service provider?


There are several criteria to consider when choosing the ideal service provider:

  • The service provider’s experience and specialization in your business sector
  • Work methodology and tools used
  • The results achieved by the service provider for its customers
  • Rates and conditions of collaboration


Outsourcing B2B prospecting is a strategy that involves delegating the search for new prospects and lead generation to a specialized agency. The latter uses various methods such as Cold Calling, Cold Emailing and other techniques to identify and contact potential customers on behalf of the client company. The aim is to create sales opportunities for the company without having to manage these activities in-house.

Outsourcing B2B prospecting has several advantages, including:

  • Access to the expertise of a specialized agency
  • Lower prospecting costs
  • Time saving
  • Reducing employer risk
  • Flexibility to adapt to market fluctuations
  • Immediate results
  • Overcoming the challenges of teleworking

The choice of B2B prospecting agency depends on your specific needs and business objectives. It’s essential to seek out agencies with proven experience in your industry, check their references and discuss their methods and processes. It’s also important to consider the agency’s flexibility and ability to adapt to your changing needs.

B2B prospecting outsourcing costs vary according to the agency chosen and the services required. However, in general, companies can save up to 50% of the costs associated with recruitment, training, acquisition of prospecting tools and personnel management by outsourcing this activity. Outsourcing rates vary according to the level of service and the complexity of the prospecting.

To successfully outsource B2B prospecting, it’s essential to clearly define your objectives, choose the right agency, work closely with them to align processes and strategies, regularly monitor performance and communicate effectively. Also make sure the agency understands your business and your target audience to maximize prospecting results.


Outsourcing B2B prospecting offers many advantages for companies of all sizes. By entrusting this task to a specialized agency, you can concentrate on your core activities, while benefiting from efficient and effective prospecting.

For more information on outsourced B2B prospecting, please contact LeadIn, our agency specialized in B2B lead generation and appointment setting. We are available to help you develop your business through targeted and effective prospecting.