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45% of executives
targeted by social selling have made a purchase based on content that was on LinkedIn: it is the B2B network with the highest purchase incentive.

But before you can convert, you need to attract traffic. Many influencers have leveraged their expertise by providing quality content. Some share posts that gather thousands of likes and shares.

But when is the best time to publish your content on LinkedIn to make it go viral?

We’ve summarized the topic into 7 unavoidable questions.

1. When to publish on LinkedIn?

Reconciling all the studies we’ve read, the best days to post on LinkedIn are:

  • Tuesday

  • Wednesday

  • Thursday

Peak traffic times are before and after work hours, and during the lunch break.

But keep in mind that these are just generalizations. There is no “magic day” that will work every time for any business.

Moreover, if everyone publishes at the same time, those days will be flooded with publications, making it hard to compete and differentiate.

The variables of business type, content type andtarget audience have a great influence on the best time to publish.

So to get started, follow these recommendations. Then, try varying the times and days (like A/B testing): maybe you’ll get better results at other times.

2. When is the worst time to publish on LinkedIn?

The worst time to post on LinkedIn is definitely the weekend.

LinkedIn is a professional social network, so it will be the most active during business days. The majority of professionals spend their weekends resting and doing personal activities. Classic social networks (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) are then preferred to LinkedIn.

Note that public holidays are treated in the same way. It is rare that people want to spend their day off thinking about work.

3. What is the best day to publish on LinkedIn?

As previously mentioned, there is no miracle day to publish on LinkedIn. However, to get the best audience, prefer the 3 days in the middle of the week.

Wednesday, the middle of the week, is the best day for traffic on LinkedIn. Professionals generally find a certain balance in their schedule during this period. This allows them to dedicate more time to spend on LinkedIn.

4. What is the best time to publish on LinkedIn?

To post on LinkedIn, prefer periods outside of work hours and between breaks:

  • Between 7am and 9am

  • Between 12:00 and 14:00

  • Between 5pm and 7pm

Why not later or earlier? Earlier, the majority of people are sleeping. Later, they cut themselves off from work.

Of course, it’s not a rocket science and it all depends on the audience you want to reach!

For example, some students are very active on LinkedIn: their schedules fluctuate greatly. Another example: a senior manager finishes work later than an intern.

5. Why know your audience to know when to post on Linkedin?

Before posting on LinkedIn or even on any social network, get to know your target audience by doing a competitive intelligence:

  • Observe and track when your main competitors are publishing.

  • Note which times and types of content are most effective.

By doing this, you will have a clearer idea of what your target is.

For example, if you want to reach young people, they will be more active later in the evening. So you will not publish between 5 and 6 pm but much later.

Are you targeting engineers in the construction industry? They start their day very early if they are going to the construction sites.

If your target has a “telecommuting” job, perhaps they check LinkedIn more often when they are at home than when they are in the office.

Feel free to learn more about your audience by posting questionnaires.

6. Why test multiple publication times?

There are always exceptions where companies or individuals find the right niche with their first publication. This is unfortunately not true for everyone. Consider testing multiple publishing times.

You will be able to identify the best slots based on the number of comments, reactions or shares.

7. How often should I post on LinkedIn?

If you want to succeed on the web, you need to cross the word “inactivity” out of your dictionary.

Repetition is key. Think about posting 2 to 4 times a week in order to effectively animate your community.

There’s no point in posting every day, you don’t want to be that “heavy” friend who repeats the same banalities. Moreover, by dint of publishing too many of the same topics, your posts compete with each other (cannibalism).

Conclusion: how to improve the results of your LinkedIn posts?

As you can see, to get the best possible results on LinkedIn, you need to test. You need to identify the formats and themes of posts that perform best and identify the best times to publish your posts.

On LinkedIn,inbound marketing works by publishing content that attracts potential leads. Outbound marketing works by proactively reaching the right people with the right messages.

To be most effective, consider automating your LinkedIn canvassing through tools and apps.

It is possible to automatically convert your audience and

generate a lead pipeline

at the same time thanks to



Leadin is the best LInkedIn and email automation software:

  • You will be able to search and import your leads from LinkedIn, with a multitude of criteria.

  • You can select the level of engagement and touch points you wish to initiate.

  • You can generate hyper-qualified leads with your personalized campaigns.

As we have often stated throughout this article, the best way to verify something is to test it.

So what are you waiting for to take your LinkedIn strategy to the next level?
Request your free demo of Leadin
and boost your lead pipeline!