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The Ultimate Guide to Multi-Channel Hyper-Personalization (Growth Hack)

multi channel hyper personalization

This guide and these techniques are for all social sellers , marketer , or ambitious leaders who wish to go further to differentiate from their competition and open their doors to a unconventional growth .

The key to prospecting on LinkedIn is customization .

But the old techniques and the prospecting messages that stop at the first name no longer work .

Hello {name}! I am Clément, the founder of LeadIn 👍

I would love to get in touch with you to tell you a little more about what I do.


It’s too much seller , too much cliche , and everyone uses it.

Executives, salespeople, or marketers, stop doing this. It really doesn’t work, and everyone suspects that once your connection request is accepted, you’re going to send a commercial message.

In this guide, we’re going to take it up a notch. We will focus on one multichannel and cross-channel approach prospecting on LinkedIn.

First, we will create a offer likely to generate interest , we we will connect to our prospects on LinkedIn , then we will follow up by E-mail .

Here is what we will do, step by step, in this growth-hack:

Create a LinkedIn outreach campaign on LeadIn for log in with your prospects through several stages commitment and follow-up by message, InMail, and email.

This is what I call a multi-channel approach.

How to explain that it works so well?

Because, first of all, we establish a relationship on and off LinkedIn our future client. Then, once the relationship is established, we will send a relevant offer to our prospect (already pre-heated) directly by e-mail.

And once you’ve made a good first impression through thoughtful communication, the possibilities are endless!

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Here's what we achieved with this multi-channel lead generation growth tip:


And many new users … 😎

If you don’t have the average LinkedIn / E-mailing or B2B engagement KPIs in mind, these are excellent statistics.

Now let’s see what the “ hack »Behind this commitment particularly Student so that you can apply it to your own marketing campaigns !

First of all, the targeting . Try to sell a car to someone who doesn’t have a driver’s license, you’ll see… your chances of success will go downhill. So be clear about your offers , and your ideal target client .

In this case, we are seeking to promote LeadIn with sales and marketing teams, for help achieve their goals . So we looked for a hyper-personalized approach angle and not conventional: the people within this target, having changed positions during the last 90 days (we use LinkedIn Sales Navigator for targeting).

Url sales navigator

After copying the URL for this search, we imported the prospect list to LeadIn :

Leadin campaign management

Once the import has been carried out, we have chosen to carry out the first actions to be notified: by next their profile (“ follow “) And in the visiting .

The goal? Add contact points , upstream of our approach, hoping that the person has been notified … and in reality : the half of them came to see who we were, even before contacting them!

Follow profile

Then we chose to send a suite of I nMails (LinkedIn message without needing to be connected to the person), only on the profiles that allowed it (“ open “). We also sent at the same time a E-mail on their business address . Here is part of our multi-channel approach strategy.

LeadIn sequences

We wrote the following message, under the heading “following your assumption of duties”:

Congratulations {{firstname} } for your recent assumption of duty as {{occupation} } at {{currentcompany} }! Hope you are in a constructive momentum to get off to a good start.

Effective LinkedIn Inmail

And we built there hyper-personalized image below , after clicking on “ add image “:

LinkedIn approach template

You have surely seen that we had added in the scenario step “ Email verification “. This was used to send the content of our InMail, directly on the address E-mail verified professional of the people contacted, in order to make sure they are aware of it !

The goal? Disarm the prospect facing an upcoming connection request from someone unknown on LinkedIn.

Already several interesting returns, and we had not even started … 😎

Return prospects

Return prospect

A hyper-personalized multi-channel approach

Let’s go on with a connection request on the social network LinkedIn:

“Hello again {{firstName} }, by consulting your profile again and following my last messages (I hope they reached you well!) I allow myself to wish to be part of your LinkedIn network.

Looking forward to following your news.”

Result? More than 80% acceptance ! Admittedly, it was not about all the imported prospects …

For all imported leads for which LeadIn could not verify their professional address or send an InMail on the platform (profile not open), we sent them a original connection request :

“Hello {{firstName} }! I saw that you recently started as {{occupation} }. Congratulations!

The reason for my approach is to help you in your new role with a tool that we have built…”

Connection message

Result? More than 72% connection requests accepted through this multichannel strategy !

Acceptance rate

Question … were we going to stop at so good way ? I believe you know the reply. 😎

So what was left for us to do once logged in with our ideal prospects ?

It’s simple: mix the approaches personalized , of followed and of raises !

“Luck” during our targeting, LeadIn allows us to target only accounts with a premium subscription to LinkedIn (indeed, LeadIn is formidable ally to Sales Navigator , and experienced users of the tool have awareness of potential , and are more receptive – although LeadIn also works with any “basic” account).

Targeting premium accounts

It is in this that the targeting is so important ! Faced with the right target, it was just one a matter of time .

By showing the unique features of LeadIn coupled with a hyper-personalized engagement, our prospects paid us more and more attention through the messages, and our emails concocted for our multichannel approach strategy:

Hyper-personalized approach template

With some examples of results and increase in visibility potential on their offers with unique multichannel campaigns:

Peak visibility

In itself standing out from the competition thanks to a hyper-personalization empathetic , vs hauler and well thought out :

Hyper-personalization LinkedIn prospecting

With some fun multichannel reminders ( LinkedIn or Verified emails ):

Ultra-personalized message

By highlighting the unique features of LeadIn , while demonstrating it through our approach so original and empathetic , our super-prospects only had to accept our help by booking a introductory demo ! In conclusion, an agenda full of super-booked prospects… 🙂

Results of our prospecting campaigns

Overbooked agenda

On your side, have you ever considered applying hyper personalization to your approach scenarios in B2B ? To adopt a multichannel strategy? At a time when the hearings are saturated marketing and engagement runs out of steam , hyper-personalization allows you to stand out of the competition by creating a tunnel unique experience . Because a successful first impression it’s here key to the sale !

To do this, several solutions exist on the market and therefore several alternatives to leadin ! However, one thing is certain: LeadIn is the only B2B engagement software to offerautomating of LinkedIn , the automation of e-mails , the email discovery / verification , AND hyper personalization combined images and GIFs in a single tool ( click here and enjoy 14 days of free trial to launch your first sequences and generate your first appointments!) .

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