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How to recruit on LinkedIn? (7 tips and tricks)

Recruiting on LinkedIn is becoming more and more common for companies.

Proof of its growing influence, the platform brings together 810 million users in 2022 . This makes it a real pool of potential candidates for any recruiter.

If you want to use this network to recruit your future talents , we give you our 9 best tips.

Why use LinkedIn to recruit?

Before getting to the heart of the matter, allow me to explain to you why it is important to use LinkedIn to recruit!

  • First of all, LinkedIn brings together more than 810 million users and several hundred thousand job offers are published every day.

  • The platform has set up company pages to help companies promote their employer brand. This is a godsend for them because they can redirect their traffic to their recruitment offers!

Promote your employer brand for recruiting on LinkedIn

Before you even start your recruitment process, the first thing to do is to create a company page. This is what will allow you to publish your job offers.

Tip 1: Optimize your profile for recruitment

Optimizing your profile is the best way to promote and launch your recruitments.

For that, you must:

  • Add the ‘Hiring’ badge to your profile picture

  • Put a banner that shows that you are from human resources

Here is for example the banner of a recruiter from Thales (we feel the ambition to change the world at home!! 🌍)

We have written a complete guide in which we explain everything to create a good LinkedIn banner .

  • A description that explains that you are recruiting

Tip 2: Optimize your business page

Your company page on LinkedIn is your showcase. It is used to present your organization and your activity and to publish your news.

It has several features including a space dedicated to recruitment. Naturally, when you need to recruit, it is therefore also on your company page that you will inform potential candidates.

Here is the information that should be visible on your LinkedIn Company Page:

  • A profile picture or logo

  • A banner or cover photo

  • A description of your activities through the “About” tab

  • Links to company employees on the platform

  • Useful information about your organization: number of employees, headquarters, etc.

  • Your news (including your job offers)

  • Showcase pages (optional)

This information will be visible not only to LinkedIn users but also to anyone who searches on search engines.

To optimize your business page, you must:

  • Work on natural referencing by using keywords in your description. Write as exhaustive a description of your activities as possible, including the keywords relating to your sector.

  • Work on external links to your business page. It’s the same principle as a website where relevance and popularity depend on the amount of links pointing to it. For example, you can promote your LinkedIn page on your website. You can also ask your employees to insert a link to the page in their LinkedIn profile (especially in the experience tab).

  • Create quality content with visuals (header image and logo). However, care must be taken to respect the constraints linked to the formats on the platform. Sharing relevant content that engages your followers will also allow you to better position your LinkedIn page.

  • Use showcase pages. Effective way to segment your target according to your different activities, a showcase page is a page dedicated to a particular activity among your panel of services. By dividing your activities in this way, you will be able to adapt your communication and your content strategy according to your target.

Source qualified profiles

With your employer brand optimized for recruiting, you can now start searching for the perfect candidate on the platform.

Tip 3: Precisely define the desired profile

The first step in finding the candidate(s) suited to your expectations is to define the profile you are looking for:

  • Technical skills

  • Personal qualities

  • level of experience

  • hard skills

  • Soft skills

This step will allow you to have a concrete idea of the profile you are looking for and thus to direct your research on key criteria …but you already know that if you are an HR person who reads us! 😁

Automate research with a dedicated tool

All companies know it: any recruitment procedure is necessarily expensive, both in terms of cash and time!

This is why automating part of the process is the solution to recruit better and faster.

Learn how to source over 800 qualified candidates per month for less than $600.

To automate your fn recruitment, we recommend LeadIn .

Ideal for speeding up your search, the recruitment function of LeadIn allows you to create short lists of talents adapted to your search criteria and to schedule interviews with them.

Click here to discover the tool for free.

You can also use social recruitment and emailing to contact, follow up and follow up with potential candidates. This process makes it possible to retain only truly qualified candidates who are already interested in your company and your job offer.

Tip 4: Use LinkedIn Recruiter from LinkedIn

linkedIn recruiter

Once you have a clearer idea of the profile you are looking for, you will need to define your recruitment strategies.

LinkedIn allows you to post a job offer free of charge for 30 days.

To publish more offers and that they remain in time, it will be necessary to subscribe to a paid plan:

Recruiter Lite at 159 euros per month

This offer allows more than 20 advanced candidate targeting filters, 30 InMails per month, intelligent search suggestions.

Recruiter at 700 euros per month

This offer allows you to set up 40 advanced filters to select your candidates, 150 InMails per month and access to application tracking tools.

Contact the best profiles

Have you identified a few rare pearls and would like to get in touch? You can take action step by step: first via InMails or LinkedIn messages, then by phone call .

Tip 5: Use InMails

If you don’t have a LinkedIn account, you will only be able to find candidates and contact them for a certain period of time. You will therefore only have one chance to make a good impression on your future recruit.

On the other hand, if you have a Premium account , you can contact candidates without being connected on LinkedIn thanks to InMails. To prevent your message from being perceived as a mass mailing, personalize it as well as possible. Also remember to briefly present your company and request an interview.

Tip 6: Use messages

If you prefer to interact via message, you should start with a connection request . At the same time, you can send a personalized message with the first name of the candidate and in which you show him your interest in his profile.

The more personalized the message, the better your chances of getting a response. Likewise, for this first contact, try to be brief and not exceed 300 characters. Summarize your remarks between 2 and 4 sentences.

Tip 7: Call the candidates

If a candidate responds to your message and is interested, now is a great time to offer them a phone call.

It will then be a discovery phone call, classic among recruiters!

In conclusion, LinkedIn is the ideal platform for recruiting. It is still necessary to proceed with strategy to be sure to find the candidates with the best potential and to be sure to interest them. You can also use LeadIn to speed up your recruitment process and get interviews with candidates who really match your search criteria.

We wish you luck and hope this article helps you recruit on LinkedIn.

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