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Tool specialized in the automation of commercial prospecting on LinkedIn , MeetAlfred proclaims itself as the number 1 in this field.

But in use, is it really the best LinkedIn automation tool on the market? We answer it in this article.

Our opinion on MeetAlfred in a nutshell

MeetAlfred is a tool that is quite complete at first glance. It contains all the basic functionalities that a LinkedIn tool generally offers.

However, its good ratings are mainly due to the few comments still published . To be sure to use a safe and effective tool, with a good reputation from its users, use LeadIn instead .

What is MeetAlfred?

MeetAlfred is a LinkedIn automation tool. Cloud-based, it requires no installation .

User-friendly and functional, the main features of the tool are:

  • Advanced LinkedIn CRM

  • Integrations with Zapier

  • Automated email sequences

  • Failsafe Usage Limits

  • Scheduling LinkedIn posts

  • Team management

Features of MeetAlfred

MeetAlfred is on a mission to save sales teams time by automating prospecting. Here are the features made available to achieve this goal.

Multi-channel campaigns

The possibility of being able to carry out multi- channel campaigns is always a plus for a LinkedIn automation tool. This allows you to multiply your points of contact with your target audience and maximize the reach of your campaigns .

Thus, MeetAlfred offers the possibility of multiplying by 3 your responses thanks to a combination of actions on LinkedIn, Twitter and through email. You can automatically:

  • View profiles

  • Connect with your target audience

  • Send follow-up or thank you messages

Hyper-personalization of messages

The tool offers a wide range of personalization tags to allow you to create connection request and follow-up messages that elicit reactions. You will be able to include attachments, GIFs, a personalized image or a video to your messages.

An integrated CRM

With Alfred’s CRM, you can view and manage your LinkedIn leads and organize them according to your own criteria, all on one page. You can also import data on your prospects in CSV format , for example:

  • The phone number

  • email

  • Company names

  • Their studies

  • Their former companies

Plus, you have access to all your conversations on the MeetAlfred dashboard . Despite the multi-channel management, you don’t have to go back and forth between the different channels to access your messaging.

Automation of inMail campaigns

With MeetAlfred, you can maximize the reach of your LinkedIn prospecting by scheduling automatic sequences of personalized inMails .

Advanced targeting options

The MeetAlfred tool allows you to target event attendees or group members by sending them hyper-personalized messages . This technique also makes it possible to circumvent the limitations of LinkedIn connection requests .

Team collaboration

Thanks to multi-account management, you can optimize the productivity and efficiency of your campaigns by allowing your teams to collaborate on MeetAlfred. This team management is done through the team administration tab .

Thus, any member of your team can perform all actions on behalf of other members:

  • Create campaign sequences

  • Schedule messages

  • Start/stop campaigns

  • Create templates

  • Delete mailboxes

  • Etc.

Automation within security limits and response detection

LinkedIn Automation is against LinkedIn ‘s own Terms of Service . In order to preserve its credibility, the social network has decided to set a limit on the number of invitations (about a hundred per week against 500 previously). Those who violate this limitation will have their account suspended .

Also, MeetAlfred allows you to automate your connection requests while respecting this limitation imposed by LinkedIn. Moreover, the tool can simulate human behavior by mimicking for example your usual working hours. It is up to you to set the specific times and days you want to enable Alfred’s automation.

Other LinkedIn prospecting tools , like LeadIn , act like humans so the social network doesn’t suspect anything.

On the other hand, the tool also detects replies and automatically stops the sequence of messages for this prospect.

Scheduling social media posts

You can integrate your social network accounts into the tool and create and schedule automatic posts while having the possibility to personalize your texts as much as possible . You can thus include visuals, hashtags, emoji adapted for each social network from the same place.

A large library of customizable templates

Among the many templates available, you can choose to save the templates you prefer depending on your target customer. You can customize them to your liking and preview them before publishing.

Performance monitoring and analysis

Analyze the performance of your campaigns in real time thanks to detailed statistics accessible from the Alfred dashboard.

In particular, you can analyze the acceptance rate , responses and other parameters. You can also adjust your actions at any time to optimize your campaign results.

Who is MeetAlfred for?

MeetAlfred is a tool suitable for any type of organization: from small sole proprietorships to large corporations. This is also reflected in the two pricing systems available: one for individual users and the other for companies .

MeetAlfred pricing

As discussed earlier, MeetAlfred offers 2 pricing plans depending on your usage:

The personal rate

The personal rate for individual users is 29 euros per month . It allows:

  • Access to the 100% cloud platform

  • 3 active campaigns

  • Multi-channel automation

  • A CRM based on LinkedIn

  • 500 invites per week

  • Free templates

  • A smart inbox

The Enterprise rate

The Enterprise rate is 39 euros per month and gives access to all the features of the Personal plan and:

  • Access to Sales Navigator

  • Unlimited number of campaigns

  • Multi- channel automation with additional channels

  • Programming of messages on social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram)

  • Automation of LinkedIn groups

  • Library of over 600 templates

  • Ability to send attachments

  • Possible integrations with more than 3,000 tools

  • LinkedIn content retargeting

  • Automation of events on LinkedIn

MeetAlfred also offers a 14-day free trial to try the product.

Advantages and disadvantages of MeetAlfred

If we refer to the rare comments on MeetAlfred, the tool offers many advantages and very few disadvantages.

The advantages

  • A very affordable price considering all the features available. In addition, the 14-day free trial is more than enough to get a general overview of the tool.

    We do not share the opinion of users. A tool at €59 per month should at least allow you to warm up your prospect base before starting prospecting.

  • The benefits of multi-channel prospecting. MeetAlfred has added alternatives including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram .

  • Automation compatible with LinkedIn’s new restrictions. There was no criticism of a user being banned from LinkedIn using MeetAlfred.

  • A friendly interface and ease of use particularly appreciated by its users.

The inconvenients

MeetAlfred enjoys a 4.5 star rating on TrustPilot . We guess that there are very few negative reviews against it. The truth is also that there are still very few user reviews on the web .

We can indeed identify shortcomings of MeetAlfred compared to other LinkedIn automation tools such as LeadIn , for example:

  • The quota imposed by the tool to avoid sanctions from LinkedIn is extremely low. Although it greatly limits the risks, the quota is so low that it becomes counterproductive.
    It’s like driving at 90 km/h on the highway to reduce the risk of hitting a car in front of you.

  • The disadvantages of a cloud-based tool. The tool therefore uses an IP address located in another country. In fact, there is a risk that LinkedIn will flag your activity as suspicious .

LeadIn: the ideal alternative to MeetAlfred


LeadIn is a LinkedIn automation tool that offers a full range of features. It is also the most secure tool on the market .

Click here to try LeadIn free for 14 days .

For example, Luc, founder of Webvids, considers that LeadIn is doing like its competitors, only better .

testimonial LeadIn

Here are its advantages over MeetAlfred:

  • A dedicated and local IP address. We’ve seen that’s the risk with cloud-based tools. LeadIn has found a solution to this inconvenience by assigning you a local IP address, so that you are safe from LinkedIn sanctions.

  • An email finder . LeadIn has an option for automatic identification and verification of prospects’ emails . You are guaranteed to send your automatic messages to the valid professional email addresses of your prospects. Derivability guaranteed!

  • Automatic LinkedIn profile warming

  • Black list of exclusion of profiles not to contact (fake profiles, etc.)

  • Automatic withdrawal of connection requests that have remained unanswered for a long time

For the rest, LeadIn has all the basic features of a LinkedIn automation tool like smart inbox, message personalization, integrations, customer support, etc.

Click here to try LeadIn free for 14 days .

If you want a turnkey solution for your prospecting on LinkedIn, click here .


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